Department Head:
Kristina Črnjar, Ph.D., Full Professor
The departments include the following:
- Department of Management
- Department for Quality and Controlling
- Knowledge Management Department
The importance of the Institute is reflected mainly in the coordination of internal departmental work and improvement of curricula and programs, as well as in cooperation with domestic and foreign professional organizations and business. In addition to teaching, the activity of the Institute is also focused on scientific and professional activities, which is confirmed by the participation of its members in scientific research and professional projects, as well as in projects financed from EU funds.
In particular, the Institute promotes the improvement of teaching, scientific research and professional activity of each member of the Department.
Department of Management
Department Head:
Jelena Đurkin Badurina, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Members of the Department:
- Ines Milohnić, Ph.D., Full professor with tenure
- Marko Perić, Ph.D., Full professor
- Jelena Đurkin Badurina, Ph.D., Associate Professor
- Josipa Cvelić Bonifačić, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
- Ivana Ivančić, assistant Ph.D., Assistant Professor
- Vanja Vitezić, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
- Ivana Licul, PhD, Senior Assistant
- Hana Paleka, Ph.D., Assistant Researcher
Description of the scope of work, basic activities, etc:
The Department is actively involved in all activities of the Faculty. Its main activities are related to teaching and scientific and professional activities of its members in the field of management, strategy and organization.
Other activities:
- Management of sports experiences in the function of designing effective business models in less developed tourist destinations (SPORTBIZMODEL), research project number UIP-2014-09-1214 supported by the Croatian Science Foundation (project leader: associate professor, Marko Perić, Ph.D.,; project duration: 01.06.2015-31.05.2018).
- Glamping – a factor for the quality of campsites, scientific research project ZP UNIRI 5/17 supported by the University of Rijeka (project leader: Prof. Ines Milohnić, Ph.D.; project duration: 10/2017-10/2019)
- The potential of tourism business creation based on the needs of the local community, scientific research project number ZP UNIRI 6/16 with the support of the University of Rijeka (project leader: Jelena Đurkin, Ph.D., postdoctoral researcher; project duration: 10/2016-10/2018)
- Quality models and public-private partnerships in Croatian tourism, scientific research project No. 116-1162459-2456, supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (project leader: Prof. Vinka Cetinski, PhD; project duration: 2007-2013).
- Joint cross-border tourist destination for the preservation, protection and promotion of the heritage of the mythical area (MITSKI PARK), specialized project under the EU program INTERREG V – A Slovenia – Croatia (project leader for FMTU: Jelena Đurkin Badurina, Ph.D., postdoctoral researcher; project duration: 9/2018-2/2021)
- Zero Waste Adriatic net of events and festivals (ZEROWASTE), expert project under the EU program IPA Adriatic CBC (project leader: Assoc. Marko Perić, Ph.D.; project duration: 10/2012-6/2015).
Department of Quality and Controlling
Department Head:
Helga Maškarin Ribarić, Ph.D., Full professor with tenure
Members of the Department:
- Helga Maškarin Ribarić, Ph.D., Full professor with tenure
- Ana-Marija Vrtodušić Hrgović, Ph.D., Full Professor
- Lorena Dadić Fruk, Ph.D.
- Ema Petaković, Ph.D., Senior Assistant
The activities of the Department are primarily related to teaching, scientific and professional activities of its members. As part of its research and scientific interests, the members of the Department have participated in two scientific projects of the Ministry of Education and Culture – Management of Business Results of the Croatian Hotel Industry (code 0116001) and Models and Standards of Quality and Business Excellence for the Hotel Industry (project code 116-1162459-2458). and two FTHM projects with the support of the University of Rijeka – Absenteeism and Labour Productivity in the Hotel Industry (project code ZP UNIRI 3/16) and Glamping – Quality Factor of Campsites (project code (ZP UNIRI 5/17).
Knowledge Management Department
Department Head:
Members of the Department:
- Kristina Črnjar, Ph.D., Full Professor
- Marija Ivaniš, Ph.D., Associate Professor
- Vedrana Čikeš, Ph.D., Senior Assistant
The educational, scientific and professional activities of the members of the Department of Knowledge Management focus on several areas of work, including the management of human capital and managerial skills, business ethics and entrepreneurship, which together with knowledge management is the lever of the knowledge society and entrepreneurial enterprises.
Members of the department are owners or collaborators of courses offered at all levels of college study: Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral, and Specialized Studies. The courses “Time and Goal Management”, “Management of Human Capital” and “Corporate Culture and Ethics” are taught in a foreign language.
In addition to teaching, the members of the Department are active in science and research – they participate in scientific and professional projects, in scientific and craft meetings at home and abroad, participate as reviewers in numerous journals, and promote cooperation and equality.