Institute Head:
Daniel Dragičević, Ph. D., Associate Professor
The Institute has three departments:
- Department of Micro and Macroeconomics
- Department of International Economics and Development
- Department of International Economic Investment
The activity of the Institute is based on active participation in scientific projects of the University of Rijeka and in professional projects. Members publish scientific and professional papers and participate in scientific and professional conferences in Croatia and abroad.
In its works and scientific activity:
- advocates a scientific approach to the conception of development and development policy in tourism at the macro and micro levels;
- critically evaluates the results of the development of Croatian tourism at the macro and micro levels;
- emphasizes the role of tourism management in defining the concept and strategy of development in tourism;
- analyses the importance and efficiency of international economic investments;
- demonstrates knowledge of global achievements in the development of tourism in the world market;
- researches current trends in the international economy and the economy of the European Union;
- identifies opportunities for innovative strategies to increase the competitiveness of Croatian tourism.
Department of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
Department Head:
Adriana Jelušić, Ph. D., Associate Professor
Members of the Department:
- Marinela Krstinić Nižić, Ph.D., Full Professor
- Zvonimira Šverko Grdić, Ph.D., Full Professor
- Daniel Dragičević, Ph.D., Associate Professor
- Adriana Jelušić, Ph.D., Associate Professor
- Maša Trinajstić, Ph.D.
- Karmen Mikulić, Assistant
The department combines two important areas of work:
- Microeconomics – analyses contemporary Croatian enterprises (business and hotel tourism enterprises) to the challenges of the competitive game of XXI. Century.
- Macroeconomics – analyses the global trends of the economy and tourism in the modern market of the XXI. Century.
The department is actively involved in all activities of the faculty. Its main activities are related to teaching, scientific and professional activities of its members. Scientific activities are based on participation in scientific projects and publication of scientific papers. Members publish scientific and professional papers and participate in scientific and professional conferences in the country and abroad.
The members of the department actively participate in numerous scientific and professional projects.
The importance of the Department derives from its field of activity. It synergistically combines two key areas of interest, microeconomics and macroeconomics and their development. The research results of the members of the Department should contribute to the qualitative response of Croatia to the development dynamics of micro- and macroeconomics in the function of achieving development. The growth and development of Croatia represents a key process and a prerequisite for qualitative changes in all business areas and the affirmation of a knowledge-based value system (knowledge society) in the function of realizing the competitiveness of the Croatian economy, tourism and individual economic enterprises. Precisely for this reason, the Department should seek interaction with other departments within and outside the Institute of National and International Economy in order to train future leaders and put them into practice.
Department of International Economy and Development
Department Head:
Maja Nikšić Radić, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Members of the Department:
- Christian Stipanović, Ph.D., Full professor with tenure
- Maja Nikšić Radić, Ph.D., Associate Professor
- Elena Rudan, Ph.D., Associate Professor
- Vedran Zubović, Ph.D., Senior Assistant
The Department of International Economics and Development combines two important areas of work:
International Economics – analyses the global trends of business and tourism in the turbulent, dynamic market of XXI. Century. A special area of interest is the role of Croatia as a member of the European Union and the international environment.
Development – analyses the qualitative response of Croatia (macro level) and contemporary Croatian businesses (business and hotel/tourism) to the challenges of XXI competition. Twentieth Century.
The Department is actively involved in all activities of the Faculty. Its main activities relate to teaching and the scientific and professional activities of its members. Teaching activities are reflected in the fulfilment of teaching duties in full-time and part-time degree programs (Opatija and SC Zabok), as well as in professional and postgraduate programs (PhD students). The members of the Department publish scientific and professional papers and participate in scientific and professional conferences in Poland and abroad and conduct scientific research within the framework of various scientific projects. The members of the department also actively participate in professional and European projects of the faculty.
The importance of the Department results from its scope of activity. It synergistically combines two key areas of interest, namely international economics and development. The research results of the members of the Department should contribute to the qualitative response of Croatia to the dynamics of the international economy in the function of the realization of development. The realization of development is based on the qualitative transformation of all business areas and the affirmation of the value system based on knowledge (knowledge society) in the function of realizing the competitiveness of the Croatian economy, tourism and individual business units.
The development concept as a basic document must unite all possible strategies (research and development strategy, production strategy, marketing strategy, human resources management strategy and financial strategy) in order to transform the company qualitatively. Precisely for this reason, the department should seek interaction with other departments inside and outside the Institute of National and International Economy, in order to train future leaders and put their knowledge and skills into practice.
Department of International Economic Investment
Department Head:
Goran Karanović, Ph.D., Full Professor
Members of the Department:
The department combines two important areas of work:
International Finance – analyses global trends in international finance in the turbulent dynamic financial market of XXI. Century. A special interest is devoted to Croatia’s relations with international financial institutions, especially the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank and other international and regional financial institutions.
International Investment Management – analyses investments in the global financial market as well as investments of international financial institutions in developing countries, especially investments in the field of tourism.
The Department is actively involved in all activities of the faculty. Its main activities relate to teaching and to the scientific and professional activities of its members. Teaching activities are manifested in the fulfilment of teaching duties in full-time and part-time degree programs (Opatija and CIS Zabok), as well as in full-time and part-time graduate programs.
Scientific activity is based on participation in scientific projects and participation in scientific and professional conferences at home and abroad, where scientific and professional papers are published.
The importance of the Department derives from its field of activity. It synergistically combines two important areas of interest – international finance and investment. The research results of the Department members should contribute to the qualitative response of Croatia to the dynamics of international financial flows in the function of realization of international investments and development.