On May 10, 2024, a formal promotion of students of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management was held. On this occasion, university bachelors in economics who completed undergraduate studies in Business Economics in Tourism and Hospitality and Management of Sustainable Development were promoted, as well as university master’s degrees in Economics who completed university graduate studies in Marketing in Tourism, Management in Tourism, Management in Hospitality and Sustainable development of tourism.
In addition to the Dean of the Faculty, prof. Ph.D. Marko Perić, who welcomed all the students, their families and guests, the students were also greeted by the mayor of the city of Opatija, Mr. Fernando Kirigin, who congratulated all the promoted students and wished them much success in their professional careers. On that occasion, the mayor emphasized that many leading people of the Croatian tourism industry have graduated from the Faculty over the past years.
After taking the solemn oath, the most successful students who achieved the greatest success during their studies were especially praised. At university undergraduate studies, they are Natali Voskion, Klara Keretić, Lucija Nikić, Luka Prpić, Ivana Lasić and Elena Mačinković.
The most successful students in graduate university studies are Adriana Glavić, Emma Superina, Mateja Morduš, Mia Butković, Kiara Elenia Bienert, Ana Roso, Kristina Kasap, Ana Zaparenkova, Marko Blažić, Mateja Marković, Mateja Dumenčić and Ivona Pracaić.
With the aim of encouraging excellence, the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management annually awards the most successful undergraduate and graduate university student. This year, the most successful undergraduate student is Natali Voskion, a student of the undergraduate study of Business Economics in Tourism and Hospitality, and Adriana Glavić, a student of the university graduate study of Management in Tourism is the most successful student of the university graduate studies.
After the promotions, a gathering was organized for all the graduates and their guests in the Faculty park. The promotion was completed with music by the musical duo “Lucija & Luka”, which consists of Lucija Stipanović, a student of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, accompanied by Luka Lukačević on the piano.
Photos from the promotion are available at: www.fotokurti.com