As part of the activities aimed at promoting mobility and internationalization, the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management organized the “INTERNATIONAL WEEK AT FACULTY OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA, CROATIA” from 13.05. – 17.05.2019.
The International week’s opening address was conducted by the Dean Dora Smolčić Jurdana, Ph.D., Full Professor and Vice Dean for International Affairs Kristina Črnjar, Ph.D., Associate Professor, who introduced participants to the specific activities carried out by the University and the Faculty as part of internationalization. Helga Maškarin Ribarić, Ph.D., Full Professor, Vice Dean for Science and Professional Activities presented the research and project activities of the Faculty. As part of the International Week, Kristina Črnjar, CEEPUS Coordinator, held a presentation on “Studying, Learning and Researching in the Central European Universities through the CEEPUS Mobility Program” with the aim of informing students about the possibilities of studying at the partner institutions in Europe. At the end of the week, teachers and students participated in the 5th scientific conference “Tourism in Southern and Eastern Europe – Creating Innovative Tourism Experiences – the Way to Extend the Tourist Season” organized by the Faculty.
The mobility of teaching and non-teaching staff primarily aims at teaching classes and/or going thought a professional training. The Faculty gives great importance to international incoming and outgoing mobility of teachers. In addition to having a positive impact on the career development and acquisition of new skills, knowledge and competence of teachers, mobility contributes to better intercultural understanding and to creation of networks that will be the foundation of future collaboration in research, projects, programs.
The Faculty has visited 12 teachers and associates from the partner institutions through the Erasmus + and Ceepus mobility programs. Throughout the week, students had the opportunity to listen to 18 lectures on current topics such as: Managing organisation through communities of practice, Gender issues in tourism, Potential for cultural tourism in the Czech Republic – UNESCO tangible and intangible heritage, International investment in the tourism sector, Machine learning methods for tourism-oriented econometrics analysis, Sport tourism and regeneration, etc. Along with the Croatian students, 37 foreign students from Romania, Spain, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Finland, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Hungary and other countries, who are studying at the Faculty in the summer semester, joined the International Week activities.