The Faculty intensively and systematically builds and develops its credentials in the field of EU projects. This promotes the development of the institution in strategic areas, increases the expertise of the staff, ensures investment in infrastructure and makes a significant contribution to internationalization and networking.
The Faculty is interested in partnering in applying for new EU projects that are thematically aligned with the Faculty’s strategic interests, and can also provide consulting and technical services (subcontracting) for EU projects already underway, based on its previous extensive experience in applying for and implementing EU projects.
The Project Center within the Faculty acts as a focal point for administrative support in the application, management and implementation of all projects, including those funded by EU funds.
- Natali Brubnjak, mag. oec.
- tel: 051 689 315
- e-mail:
- Petra Mikulec, univ. mag. oec.
- tel: 051 294 207
- e-mail:
- Aleksandar Setić, mag. oec.
- tel: 051 689 311
- e-mail:
- Simone Stankić, mag. oec., univ. spec. stud. eur.
- tel: 051 294 209
- e-mail:
Faculty references can be found in the list of active and completed projects.

Project MARINET – MARIculture NETwork: Implementation of new technologies for diversified sustainable aquaculture targeting healthy society and competitive regions is funded under the Interreg Italy – Croatia 2021 – 2027 programme. The project addresses common challenges specific to the aquaculture sector, aiming to improve biosecurity, environmental sustainability, and the economy of the Adriatic cross-border regions.
New original solutions in the aquaculture sector that do not yet exist in this area include the development of a disease occurrence alerting system using artificial intelligence, the development of a prototype of an innovative collector for flat oyster cultivation, and new packaging models to ensure the longer shelf life of farmed fish and shellfish. One of the project’s goals is to change consumer attitudes about the acceptability of aquaculture products based on evidence of their nutritional value, quality, and safety. The results will focus on improving fish health management and diversifying shellfish farming, and based on market research results, a targeted promotional strategy will be proposed to raise awareness about the importance of consuming products from sustainable aquaculture. The project is based on collaboration between scientific and industrial partners and knowledge transfer between cross-border regions.
Project implementation start: 01/03/2024
Project duration: 30 months
Project manager for FTHM: Greta Krešić (
Partners: University of Udine (Lead partner, Italy), Croatian Veterinary Institute (Croatia), Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (Italy), University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (Croatia), Mediterranean Aquaculture Association (Italy), Chamber of Crafts and Trades of Istrian Region (Croatia)
Total project budget: 1,871,881.46 EUR

The SITE project (Shaping Inclusive Tourist Experiences) is funded under the Interreg Italy – Croatia 2021 – 2027 programme. The project addresses the common territorial challenge of diversifying tourist flows by promoting a more inclusive tourism ecosystem. The aim of the project is to increase the attractiveness of tourist destinations in the programme area (Croatia and Italy) by promoting the use of universal design as an approach that, through non-discriminatory solutions, enables participation in tourism and social inclusion of people with special needs, not only people with disabilities, but also families with young children, the elderly and other specific groups. Through extensive research and testing of different tools and solutions (including ICT), the project will contribute to the removal of architectural, sensory and communication barriers that make it difficult for people with disabilities or other needs to access information about the tourist offer, find their way around tourist destination and to enjoy tourism activities. The project will carry out research activities on the application of universal design in tourism, testing the proposed solutions through pilot projects and educating on the lessons learned and the benefits of such an approach in the development of the tourism offer. Also, throughout the project, extensive promotion and publication of the results obtained will be conducted, so that as many stakeholders as possible from tourism practice, but also from the academic field, develop an awareness of the importance of using universal design in the creation of sustainable and inclusive tourism.
Official project page:
Project implementation start: 01/03/2024
Project duration: 30 months
Project manager for FTHM: Jelena Đurkin Badurina (
Partners: University of Trieste (Lead partner, Italy), City of Šibenik (Croatia), Dubrovnik Development Agency (Croatia), Dubrovnik Airport Ltd (Croatia), Central Marketing Intelligence – Arcadya Srl (Italy), Veasyt Srl (Italy), Municipality of Fano (Italy), University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (Croatia)
Total project budget: 2,076,608.68 EUR
Smart Blue Tourism – smart marina of the future

The project Smart Blue Tourism – smart marina of the future is financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU, National Recovery and Resilience Program 2021-2026 (NPOO – 2021-2026), Call for grants NPOO.C1.6.R1-I2.01-V3 Strengthening sustainability and encouraging the green and digital transition of entrepreneurs in the tourism sector – GROUP 3. The project develops completely new products aimed at the solution of smart, safe and green marinas, which represent an innovation on the market. The goal is to increase the resilience and sustainability of nautical tourism and enable the best quality of service and a personalized user experience. Digital solutions for marinas will be developed in the field of operational efficiency, automation management, self-sustainability, tourist safety, environmental protection, destination development. Simultaneously, these new solutions will yield benefits such as new and more varied tourist offers, new employment opportunities and the development of green tourism and green mobility. The target groups are marina owners and managers, while the end users are boaters, tourists, marina employees and citizens.
Project implementation start: 1 July 2023
Project duration: 24 months
Project manager for FTHM: Lidija Bagarić (
Partners: Maritime Center of Excellence (leading partner), MS Tech, Lürssen Design Center Kvarner, Aniq, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Gitone Kvarner, Urbanex, Hexis, GoGiro Digital , Verso Altima
Total project budget: EUR 4,534,077.75
GreenTEA – Improving the educational background of Green Tourism in higher Education by developing Alternative educational materials and learning opportunities

GreenTEA – Improving the educational background of Green Tourism in higher Education by developing Alternative educational materials and learning opportunities – 2023-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000156471” is a project funded by the Erasmus+ program, under Key Activity 2, Cooperation partnerships in higher education (KA220-HED), Round 1.
The GreenTEA partnership includes six partners from four European countries.
The project aims to contribute to the fight against climate change by creating learning materials and an e-learning platform that will provide the knowledge for a more sustainable tourism, primarily for the future professionals. Additionially, the project aims to contribute to more inclusive higher education by making learning materials accessible to those with fewer opportunities as well as to contribute to the digital transformation of higher education.
The project is expected to result in an e-learning platform on green tourism in 5 languages, tailored for tourism and hospitality students.
The e-learning platform will provide a range of educational materials, from basic overviews to more advanced topics (including best practices), to a wide variety of learners regardless of their educational backgrounds. E-platform will enable range of learning opportunities for self-training and self-monitoring and will result in a complete and comprehensive educational material database.
We expect outcomes such as improved student knowledge, skills and attitudes, as well as increased transnational cooperation.
Project start date: 01/10/2023
Project end date: 30/09/2026
Project duration: 36 months
Project coordinator (for FTHM): Daniela Soldić Frleta (
Total eligible budget: 400.000,00 EUR
Official website of the project: coming soon
Hungary: Eszterházy Károly Catholic University (Hungary) – Coordinator –
Portugal: Politechnic Institute of Bragança –
Portugal NTN –
Croatia: University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management –
Institute of Agriculture and Tourism –
Finska: Satakunta University of Applied Sciences –
Social Green Deal

Projekt Social Green Deal – Role and prospects for industrial relations and social green dialogue in green transition management of the local economic system is financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), from the line Social Prerogatives and Specific Competencies Lines (SocPL).
This project is aimed at understanding the current and potential role of industrial relations (IR) and social dialogue (SD) in managing the greening of local economies.
The social dialogue will be essential to build the consensus needed to archive a successful and sustainable recovery, which can bring positive change to our well-being, create decent employment and safeguard our planet.
Through desk and field research will get an overview of the policies put in place in target countries to promote the green transition and the experiences of SD and IR in managing a just and inclusive transition at the NUTS-2 level.
Project start date: 01.08.2022.
Project duration: 24 months
Project manager: Zvonimira Šverko Grdić (
Project partners: Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro – Sicilia (Lead partner; Italy), FONDAZIONE GIUSEPPE DI VITTORIO (Italy), Fundación Cultural 1º de Mayo (Spain), KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN (Belgium), Institute for Social and Trade Union Research (Bulgaria), CONFEDERAZIONE GENERALE ITALIANA DEL LAVORO (Italy), Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu (Hrvatska)
Total eligible budget: 365 488,46 EUR
HyPro4ST – Hybrid Project Management Skills for Sustainable Tourism, is a project funded by the Erasmus + program, under Key Activity 2, Alliances for innovation, 1. lot: Alliances for education and enterprises.
HyPro4ST comprising of 17 partners from 6 European countries. This alliance is built around the idea that collaborative, transnational activities offer opportunities for boosting innovation and progress by pooling resources and the deep knowledge of markets required in a fast-changing tourism sector.
It aims to develop a new job profile “Sustainable and Hybrid Project Manager” for the Sustainable Tourism Sector. Further, it aims to upskill professionals in sustainable, hybrid, digital, creative and entrepreneurship project management, helping alleviate the job losses, inequalities, and other risks, and to build a talent pipeline that tourism sector can mine for future growth. Project also proposes the upscaling of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and higher education (HE) trainers’ skills, to be able to adapt to the tourism labour market needs.
Through six seminars, six online courses, two work-based learning activities and transnational mobility will enhance the competencies of 700 professionals, tackling skills mismatches and supporting the formation of an effective higher and vocational education system for the sustainable tourism sector. HyPro4ST develops all the outputs in seven EU languages, ensuring their cross-border transferability. Furthermore, it assures the long-lasting effect of the project results by elaborating Policy Recommendations, able to inform the policy agendas at the national and EU level.
This project’s target groups are existing and prospective project managers of the tourism sector, travel agency managers, destination managers, tour organizers, travel consultants, tour operators managers, corporate responsibility managers, event managers, and other similar professionals, office administrative, students, trainers and educators of HE and vocational practitioners, HE and VET organizations, academia, VET and enterprises’ training/teaching staff, SMEs and micro-business.
Project start date: 01/07/2022
Project duration: 36 months
Project manager: Marko Perić (
Total eligible budget: 1.374.630,00 EUR
Project partners: Sustainable city – Cities network for sustainable development and circular economy (Lead partner, Grčka), Post-innovation For Sustainable Development (Grčka), Razvojni Center Srca Slovenije Doo (Slovenija), Univerza V Ljubljani (Slovenija), Institut za Poljoprivredu i Turizam (Hrvatska), Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu (Hrvatska), Cesie (Italija), Corinthia Hotels Association (Grčka), Olyimpic training & consulting Ltd. (Grčka), Research Innovation And Development Lab Private Company (Grčka), Kozep-dunantuli Regionalis Innovacios Ugynokseg Nonprofit Kft (Mađarska), Domínio Vivo – Formação E Consultoria, Lda. (Portugal), Universidade De Aveiro (Portugal), Confederação Do Turismo De Portugal (Portugal), Confesercenti Provinciale Di Palermo (Italija), Minerva 90 Vocational Education Kft. (Mađarska), Tüv Austria Servis d.o.o. (Grčka).
Official website of the project:
Closed projects
ON-IT – Online Internship in Tourism
ON-IT – Online Internship in Tourism is a project funded by the Erasmus + program, under Key Activity 2. – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
The project aims to design guidelines and resources for the implementation of distance practice, ie internships and internships through which they would provide students with the acquisition and development of skills and increase their professional success in the labor market shaped by digital transformation.
The main result of the project are guidelines and guides, ie. various tools that will facilitate the adoption of new ways of distance learning as a better preparation for the labor market, ie internships.
The target group is teaching staff, other university staff and students.
The ON-IT project, as a pilot project of this way of conducting internships, focuses on the tourism area with the aim of applying results that are easily transferred to all other areas.
Project start date: 01/03/2021
Project duration: 24 months
Project manager: Marinela Krstinić Nižić (
Project partners: UNIMED – Unione delle Universita del Mediterraneo (Lead partner, Italy), Universidad de la Laguna (Spain), Jyvaskylan Ammattikorkeakoulu (Finland), Groupe sup de Co Montpellier (France), Associacio IGCAT (Spain)
Total eligible budget: 298 939,00 EUR
InCompEdu – Innovative Competence in Online Higher Education
InCompEdu – Innovative Competence in Online Higher Education is a project funded by the Erasmus + program, under Key Activity 2. – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
The project aims to develop and promote innovative digital teacher skills that can be implemented in both fully online and hybrid higher education, including the ability to use platforms dedicated to conducting online courses in higher education with the aim of creating innovative curricula in higher education.
Special emphasis will be placed on the validation of innovative solutions that adapt to different areas of study.
The target group of projects are teachers and responsible bodies of the universities for the development of educational programs.
Project start date: 01/04/2021
Project duration: 24 months
Project manager: Lorena Dadić Fruk (
Project partners: Uniwersitet Gdanski (Lead partner, Poland), Turun Yliopsito (Finland), Univerza na Primorskem Universita del Litorale (Slovenia), Universitatea 1 Decembrie 1918 (Romania), Universita degli Studi di Roma „Tor Vergata“ (Italy).
Total eligible budget: 245.284,00 EUR
Official website of the project:
ReCeZa – Regionalni centar Zabok

The project of the regional center of competencies ReCeZa – Regional Center Zabok is funded under the European Social Fund. The aim of the project is to transform the Secondary School Zabok into a center for high quality, practical and internationally oriented education for tourism and hospitality, aimed at students, teachers and mentors, employers and employees of all tourism stakeholders at regional level. In the long run, the Regional Center Zabok should become a regional education and training center for tourism and hospitality and a center for development and innovation as a source of ideas and new trends in service quality.
Project start date: 01/03/2020
Project duration: 46 months
Project manager: Dora Smolčić Jurdana (
Project partners: Secondary School Zabok (lead partner), Krapina-Zagorje County, Secondary School of Economic Varaždin , Secondary School Prelog, Tourism, Catering and Food School Bjelovar, Croatian Employment Service – District office Krapina, University of Zagreb – Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka – Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Salve Regina – Marija Bistrica JSC, Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Krapina-Zagorje County , Association of teachers in the field of catering education, Biotechnical Educational Centre Ljubljana.
Total budget: 66 693 287,89 HRK
Allocated funds: 66 693 287,89 HRK
Recept – Regionalni centar profesija u turizmu

The project of the regional center of competencies Recept – Regional Center for Tourism Professions is funded under the European Social Fund. The purpose of the project is to overcome the specific problems identified within the existing vocational education system and to address the actual needs of the target groups. The aim of the project is to establish the program and working conditions of the regional center of competencies in Opatija and to establish the Catering School Opatija as a center of excellence for vocational education and training and lifelong learning programs in the sector of hospitality and tourism.
Project start date: 01/04/2020
Project duration: 44 months
Project manager: Dora Smolčić Jurdana (
Project partners: Catering School Opatija (lead partner), Secondary School Dr Antun Barac Crikvenica, Secondary School Hrvatski kralj Zvonimir, Commercial Catering School Karlovac, Secondary School Ambroz Haračić, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, University of Rijeka – Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, STEP RI Ltd., Craft College – Institution for Adult Education, Valamar Riviera JSC, Jadranka turizam Ltd., Katarina Line Ltd., IV-ER – KVC Ltd.
Total eligible budget: 58 683 119,88 HRK
Allocated funds: 58 683 119,88 HRK
CEKOM – Centar kompetencija za pametne gradove

CEKOM – Competence Center for Smart Cities is funded under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion. Competence centers are part of the innovation infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia and one of the instruments for strengthening the innovation value chain and encouraging the innovation of the business sector and its connection with scientific research institutions. Their main task is to encourage effective cooperation between the private, public and scientific-research sectors in order to strengthen the innovation potential of the economy and to harmonize research and development of strategic plans with the needs of the economy. During the 3 years of the project, through 6 development projects (Smart City Surinmo, Smart City Modesty, Smart City Living, Smart City Energy, Smart City Trans, Smart City 4D), it is planned to implement 36 innovative technological solutions that should facilitate everyday life in urban surroundings. Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management is actively participating in the Smart City Living project, aimed at developing innovative movement management systems in the city.
Project start date: 01.03.2020.
Project duration: 36 months
Project manager: Nataša Kovačić (
Project partners: Smart RI d.o.o. (leading partner), University of Rijeka, Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Hrvatski Telekom d.d., Combis d.o.o., Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, 3tCable d.o.o., Alarm Automatika d.o.o., Elektrokovina d.o.o., Energo d.o.o., Exevio d.o.o., IOLAP Inc., KD Vodovod i kanalizacija d.o.o., Kreativni odjel d.o.o., Faculty of Maritime Studies in Rijeka, Rijeka promet d.d., Apsolon d.o.o., Smart Sense d.o.o. and SmartIS d.o.o.
Total eligible budget: 149.631.384,15 HRK
ERDF funding: 95.357.525,75 HRK
CAMPMASTER – Development of European Curriculum in the Field of Sustainable Camping Resort Management is a project funded by the ERASMUS + programme, under the 2020 call for Strategic Partnerships – K203. The lead partner is the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management.
Recognizing the need of the fast-growing camping industry for quality trained staff with specific knowledge and skills, three European universities, in partnership with national camping associations, have launched an initiative to align the needs of the camping industry with skills and qualifications acquired in specialized study programmes at the European level. In addition to universities and employers, students from three partner universities will be involved in the development of the new curriculum. Project activities include defining learning outcomes for the future study programme, elaboration of module content and development of a digital on-line platform where case studies in the field of camping resort management will be published. The main goal of the project is to develop the first European curriculum in the field of sustainable management of a camping resort – CAMPMASTER.
Project start date: 01/10/2020
Project duration: 24 months
Project manager: Josipa Cvelić Bonifačić (
Project partners: University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (Lead partner, Croatia), Breda University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), Universitat de Girona (Spain), Associació de Càmpings de Girona (Spain), The Leading Camping & Caravanning Parks of Europe e.V. (Germany), Croatian Camping Association.
Total eligible budget: 165 892,00 EUR

AdriaAquaNet – Enhancing Innovation and Sustainability in Adriatic Aquaculture is a project financed under the INTERREG V-A Italy – Croatia 2014 – 2020 programme. According to the Interreg Italy –Croatia cooperation programme and to the objectives of the ‘Blue Growth’, the project approach is to develop new solutions or adopt existing solutions to ensure further development of Italian and Croatian mariculture following main principles of sustainability. Common chalenges of the programme area as quality of fish nutrition, development of effective waste management systems, energetic sustainability of fish farming, production of new vaccines and natural compounds to control fish infectious diseases will be tackled. Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management will participate in final product evaluation regarding its nutritional value but also in the consumer research and promotional activities related to fish and new products´ consumption. This project brings together stakeholders and experts from multidisciplinary areas, encouraging better cooperation and strengthening the capacity for research, development and innovation in the manufacturing sector. Along with a set of functional marketing tools, the project will finaly provide ‘healthy and safe’ fish to end consumers.
Project start date: 01/01/2019 (announcement)
Project duration: 30 months
Project manager: Greta Krešić (
Project partners: University of Udine (Lead Partner; Italy), Croatian Veterinary Institute (Croatia), University of Trieste (Italy), Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Croatia), Italian Health Authority and Research Organization for Animal Health and Food Safety (Italy), National Research Council of Italy – Department of Chemical Science and Material Technology (Italy), Mariculture Cluster (Croatia), Friškina Ltd (Croatia), Fishfarm Caldoli Ltd (Italy), Orada Adriatic Ltd (Croatia), Friultrota Di Pighin Ltd (Italy).
Total eligible budget: 3 224 009,59 EUR
ERDF funding: 2 740 408,13 EUR

Project Myth Park – A common cross-border tourist destination for the preservation, protection and promotion of mythical area heritage is financed under the INTERREG V–A Slovenia – Croatia programme. The project addresses the strengthening of sustainable tourism in the area of the new cross-border myth park through the development of new tourism products based on package arrangements aimed at increasing attractiveness and improving the tourist offer. The project’s main objective is to actively preserve and enhance mythical landscape’s cultural heritage from the perspective of sustainable tourism in the territory of Mošćenička Draga and Hrpelje-Kozina municipalities. Common results of the project include increase of tourists’ visits to the new cross–border destination, innovative animation program in the Myth Park area and tourist products for sustainable use of heritage of the myth tradition. Target groups that will benefit from the project are tourists/visitors, local and regional authorities, local enterprises, non–profit organizations and other institutions.
Project start date: 01/09/2018
Project duration: 30 months
Project manager: Jelena Đurkin Badurina (
Project partners: Municipality of Hrpelje – Kozina (leading partner, Slovenia), Municipality Mošćenička Draga (Croatia), University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (Croatia), Higher Education Centre Sežana Ltd (Slovenia), University of Primorska (Slovenia) , Tourist Board of Mošćenička Draga, Arhej Ltd- archaeological research and other intellectual services (Slovenia).
Total eligible budget: 745 050,00 EUR
ERDF funds: 633 292,50 EUR
Excellence and efficiency in higher education in the field of economics

Excellence and efficiency in higher education in the field of economics is a project under the Operational Program Effective Human Resources 2014-2020 funded by the European Social Fund.
The aim of the project is to improve the quality, relevance and efficiency of higher education through the development of occupational and qualification standards in the field of economics and the improvement of study programs with the development and use of modern teaching and learning methods. The achievement of the specific project objectives will be based on ESG standards and the Croatian Qualification Framework (HKO), and will include enhancing the competences of teaching and non-teaching staff, the work of career development centers, economic councils, public information and the overall improvement of the quality system (creation of institutional and financial sustainability frameworks).
Project start: 22.03.2019.
Project duration: 36 months
Project manager: Christian Stipanović (
Project partners:
- University of Split, Faculty of Economics (Lead partner)
- University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics
- University of Zagrebu, Faculty of Economics
- University of J.J. Strossmayera in Osijek, Faculty of Economics
- University of Zadar
- University of Dubrovnik
- University Juraj Dobrila of Pula
Total project budget: 3.994.067,99 HRK

FOST INNO – Fostering tourism innovation system in Adriatic-Ionian Region is the largest EU project at FTHM and will be financed under the INTERREG V-B Adrion 2014 – 2020 programme. Common challenges of the programme area as; prolonging tourism season, improving quality in tourism and fostering better tourism employment conditions. They are going to be tackled in accordance with sustainability principles to reinforce region’s competitive position. The overall objective of the project is to improve and ensure long term competitiveness of the Adriatic-Ionian area by enhancing innovation capacity in sustainable tourism. One of the project results will include the Adriatic-Ionian Tourism Innovation Centre that will gather tourism experts with the task to develop innovative tourist products and services.
Project start date: 01/01/2018
Project duration; 24 months
Project coordinator: Helga Maškarin Ribarić (
Project manager: Daniela Soldić Frleta (
Project partners: Faculty of Applied Social Studies in Nova Gorica (Slovenia), Regional Development Agency of Northern Primorska Ltd Nova Gorica (Slovenia), Municipality of Perugia (Italy), Molise Region (Italy), Professional Development Service and International Projects of the Zenica-doboj canton (Bosnia i Hercegovina), University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi” (Albania), Tivat Municipality (Montenegro)
TEACHING 2030 – Future-proof your classroom: teaching skills 2030 is a project financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme, activity KA 2 – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education. The project aims to improve teaching skills of the professors through the development and implementation of learning modules using online tools. The main result of the project is a developed innovative educational course (module) that includes a web based training in cBook format for teachers, trainers and educators throughout Europe (and worldwide). It’s access will be without limitation and the course will be free of charge. The course will equip educators with the critical competences and skills for successful teaching in the future. The project will meet the needs of educators aged around 40, members of the generation who need additional education in the use of modern technology.
Project start date: 01/09/2017
Project duration: 30 months
Project manager: Dina Lončarić (
Project partners: University of Applied Sciences Burgenland GMBH (lead partner; Austria), create – media design GmbH (Austria), University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics (Slovenia), Esterhazy Karoly University of Applied Sciences Eger (Hungary), St Kliment of Ohrid University of Bitola (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), University of Perugia (Italy), University of Valencia (Spain), University of Aveiro (Portugal).
Project Riviera4Seasons2 – Common heritage for joint international promotion of 365 days of green tourism on the Riviera of Opatija and Portorož is financed under the INTERREG V-A Slovenia – Croatia 2014 – 2020 programme. The project addresses active protection of cultural and natural heritage through the sustainable development of tourism in the surroundings and hinterland of Opatija and Piran, with the aim of expanding the cultural and touristic offer. The project goal is to create recognizable and attractive destination through the organization of innovative cultural events and the promotion of the existing (traditional) ones, in order for them to become a significant motive for the guests’ arrival to the destination. Common results of the project include increased number of visitors to the natural and cultural heritage of the project area, three small infrastructural investments, improvement of the cross-border tourism product “Cultural Tourism of 365 days of Riviera”, development of six new itineraries and education of 250 people for the purpose of improvement of the tourist offer in rural areas.
Project start date: 01/10/2017
Project duration: 24 months
Project manager: Lorena Bašan (
Project partners: Municipality of Piran (lead partner; Slovenia), the City of Opatija (Croatia), Tourist Board Portorož (Slovenia), University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica (Slovenia), Tourist Board Opatija (Slovenia).
FOODBIZ – University and business learning for new employability paths in food and gastronomy is a project financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme, activity KA 2 – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education. The project will increase students’ employability, learning resources in agri-food and food tourism, joint initiatives for job creation in the addressed sector as well as networking within the sector. The project directly addresses students, agri-tourism and food tourism players such as food producers, small companies and policy makers.
Project start date: 1/11/2017
Project duration: 24 months
FTHM Project Manager: Sandra Janković (
Project partners: University of Macerata (lead partner; Italy), University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Poznan University of Economics and Business (Poland), European Cultural Tourism Network AISBL (Belgium), Associacio Igcat – International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism (Spain), Piceno Laboratory of the Mediterranean Diet (Italy), Svinesund Committee (Sweden).

ZERO WASTE BLUE – Zero Waste Blue sport events for territorial development is a project approved for financing under the programme INTERREG V-A Italy – Croatia 2014 – 2020 (Standard+). The aim of this project is an extension of the tourist season through the implementation of sustainable “green” sport events on the sites of significant cultural and/or natural heritage. Capitalization of the results of the project Zero Waste will intend to create a new common tourist product that will be focused on sustainable sport events in Italy and Croatia.
Project start date: 01/06/2018
Project duration: 18 months
Project manager: Marinela Krstinić Nižić (
Project partners: the City of Opatija (lead partner, Croatia), Agency for the Development of Zadar County ZADRA NOVA (Croatia), Dubrovačko-neretvanska County (Croatia), ERVET Emilia-Romagna Economic Developement Agency Ltd (Italy), Emilia-Romagna region (Italy), Veneto region (Italy), Veneto Innovazione S.p.a. (Italy), Molise region (Italy), City of Ancona (Italy).

S.T.A.R .- Statistical Networks in Tourism Sector of Adriatic Regions was a project financed by the European Union under the IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013. It was designed in order to exchange knowledge of tourism between the countries of the Adriatic region. The countries involved in the project created a network for the exchange of best practices, integration of information technology, and existing knowledge of tourism. This was the way to help policy-makers in the creation of new touristic strategy and the development of adequate ways of implementing government intervention in tourism. At the same time, the project provided specific tools to companies operating in the tourism industry, to determine their position in the local market, and to determine the characteristics of clients, as well as the direction of their development.
Project duration: 01/04/2010 – 28/02/2014
Project manager: Dora Smolčić Jurdana (
Project partners: Emilia-Romagna Region (lead partner; Italy), Business Service Center of Zenica-Doboj (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Regional Unit of Corfu (Greece), the Consortium of Apulian Tourism Operators – COTUP (Italy), Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (Croatia), Regional Council of Durres (Albania), Rimini Province (Italy), Marche Region – PF Statistical Information System (Italy), Abruzzo Region (Italy), Veneto Region – Directorate of Regional Statistical System (Italy).

Project Zero Waste – Zero Waste Adriatic net for events and festivals was financed under the IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013. Events and festivals present important part of touristic offer and an opportunity to increase the flow of tourists. At the same time, however, these large gatherings produce an increase of water and energy consumption, together with a various types of waste, creating that way besides positive, also significant negative impacts. The main goal of the project was to indicate zero amount of produced waste in festivals and events. The Zero Waste project offers the opportunity to create a network of existing events and festivals in the Adriatic area, thanks to the adoption of green solutions through the use of ICT. Zero Waste is also a new cultural approach that, through the use of ICT, may favour the creation of new jobs.
Project duration: 01/10/2012 – 30/06/2015
Project manager: Marko Perić (
Project partners: Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (lead partner; Croatia), the City of Opatija, Mayor’s Office (Croatia), ERVET – Emilia Romagna Economic Development Agency L.t.d. (Italy), Province of Rimini (Italy), Spazio Eventi SR (Italy), Municipality of Tivat , Mayor’s office (Montenegro), University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica (Slovenia), Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Department of Tourism and Hospitality (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Regional Council of Durres, Department of Region Development Policies (Albania).

Project CrossBench – Benchmarking of Croatian and Slovenian Hotel Industry: Instrument for Competitiveness Improvement and Entrepreneurship Development is financed under the Operational Programme Slovenia – Croatia 2007 -2013. The main objective of this project was to create software for tracking business activities of Croatian and Slovenian hotels through the observation and comparison of the financial data (revenues and expenditures), non-financial data (guest and employee satisfaction), and the data from the areas of social responsibility and environmental responsibility. The software gave hotels the possibility to compare the achieved business results with other hotels this way enabling them to better manage costs and maximize revenue but also improve their social responsibility and the responsibility towards the environment. To preserve data confidentiality, the reports show only the highest, the lowest and the average value of the selected samples, and within them each hotel can locate itself.
Project duration: 18/02/2014 – 17/06/2015
Project manager: Sandra Janković (
Project partners: Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (lead partner-Croatia), Turistica – the Faculty of Tourism Studies (Slovenia) Tourist Chamber (Slovenia), and the Association of Employers in Croatian Hospitality (Croatia).

HISTUR – Tourism as a common (cultural) heritage of the coastal area of the Istrian Peninsula was financed under the Operational Programme Slovenia – Croatia 2007-2013. The overall goals of the HISTUR project were economic and social development, which is based on the support of entrepreneurship, improving tourism, rural development, and social integration. The overall cross-border goals were to establish the cooperation between cultural institutions that are directly related to the history of tourism in the coastal region of Istria on the Slovenian and Croatian side of the border, to strength and to upgrade the cooperation between higher educational institutions in the tourism sector with emphasis on the field of tourism history and to establish a long-term (international) cooperation between educational and cultural institutions.
Project duration: 17/01/2014- 17/09/2015
Project manager: Helga Maškarin Ribarić (
Project partners: University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica (lead partner; Slovenia), Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (Croatia), Institute for revitalization of the Mediterranean culture of Piran (Slovenia) and the Croatian Museum of Tourism (Croatia).

The project Promoting entrepreneurship in tourism in rural areas – HINT-LAB was financed under the Operational Programme Slovenia – Croatia 2007-2013. The main objectives of the project included developing entrepreneurship through joint cross-border cooperation and encouraging the growth of small and medium enterprises in order to increase the number of jobs. The project contributed to development of cross-border cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises, educational, research and development organizations, and improved business innovation and technology. The project also established new jobs in rural areas, with a focus on rural and sustainable tourism. Within the project, the educational workshops for entrepreneurs were designed and implemented which helped them to acquire new skills necessary for business development and of tackling of market opportunities.
Project duration: 17/01/2014 – 17/06/2015
Project manager: Ines Milohnić (
Project partners: University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies (lead partner-Slovenia), Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (Croatia), Slovenian Tourist Board (Slovenia), University development center and incubator Primorska d.o.o (Slovenia), Regional Development Agency Porin d.o.o. Rijeka (Croatia).

EUquus – Equestrian Tourism Routes in Europe was a European project financed under the Innovation and Competitiveness Framework Programme with the aim of developing the tool for support of the stakeholders in creating quality equestrian routes and products. The project established a web platform to disseminate and promote European equestrian tourism offerings.
Project duration: 01/05/2013 – 28/02/2015
Project manager: Romina Alkier (
Project partners: Diputació de Barcelona – Barcelona Provincial Council (lead partner; Spain), , Fundació DEST Menorca (Spain), the Chambre d’Agriculture de la Dordogne (France), Far and Ride Ltd. (United Kingdom), Only Raid SL (Spain), Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (Croatia), Herd Ogierów Sieraków (Poland), Provincia di Salerno (Italy), Hushållningsällskapet Östergötland (Sweden).