Learning outcomes at postgraduate university doctoral study
Upon completion of the study Business Economics in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, skills and competences needed to carry out independent scientific research in the scientific area of social sciences, scientific field of economics are acquired.
Based on the study programme the following learning outcomes are acquired:
- Apply advanced concepts in scientific research in the area of social sciences, field of economics with special emphasis on business economics.
- Create and evaluate new facts, procedures and theories, that based on the research results, shift boundaries of knowledge in the field of scientific research;
- As author or co-author write and successfully publish an original scientific paper in a peer-reviewed journal;
- Prepare and present a public statement on the results and scientific concept at the international conference;
- Give reasons for certain viewpoints and defend the position in the discussion with other scientists in the field of research;
- Create and conduct scientific research in the field of economics (drafting scientific research, organization of conducting research, timely detect potential problems, identify the necessary funds, lead the research team);
- Critically assess published original research results of other authors in the field of doctoral student’s research;
- Analyse and evaluate new and specialized knowledge, methods, tools and instruments in the field of scientific research;
- Collect and analyse various pieces of information (search literature and databases);
- Present and explain the results of scientific research to other scientists and general public;
- Accept ethical and social responsibility for the success of research and possible effects on the wider community;
- Writing and reporting skills (speaking and listening skills, the ability to present data and research results);
- Express and justify personal, professional and ethical attitude;
- Implement the results of scientific research in the business and social environment (knowledge transfer).
- Face the new challenges of society and the economy and the application of scientific research to contribute to social and economic development.
Upon completion of the study the academic degree Doctor of Science (Ph.D.) in the area of social sciences, field of economics is acquired.
From the academic year 2019/2020 Postgraduate University Doctoral Study “Business Economics in Tourism and Hospitality Industry” is a member of EDAMBA – European Doctoral programs Association in Management & Business Administration and CESEENET – Central and South-East European PhD Network.
Director for doctoral study
Ana Čuić Tanković, Ph. D., Associate Professor
Contact: anact@fthm.hr
Public Call for Enrollment
Teaching and instructions
Academic calendar
Class schedule
- 1st year
- 2nd year
Exam period
- 1st year
- 2nd year
Structure of the study programme
Teaching plan and programme
List of courses and course coordinators
Forms and instructions
- Rulebook on Postgraduate University Doctoral Studies at the FTHM (17 June 2021)
- Stating the Faculty affiliation for PhD students
- Instructions for writing a doctoral dissertation based on published scientific papers (Scandinavian model)
- Template for Scandinavian model
1. Forms – Application for admission to doctoral study
- Presentation of postgraduate university doctoral studies
- The application for admission to doctoral study
- Admission Research Proposal
- Costs of study
- Decision on the costs of study
- Decision on the criteria for enrollment in the next year of study
2. Forms and Documents – Application of Thesis Proposal
- Application of thesis proposal
- Evaluation of thesis proposal
- The decision on approval of a thesis proposal
- The request to change the thesis proposal or a supervisor
- Guidelines for preparing the presentation of a thesis proposal
3. Forms and Documents –Thesis evaluation and thesis defence
- Request for Evaluation of doctoral thesis
- Written consent of the supervisor
- Statement of a supervisor on checking authenticity of the thesis
- The request for a postponement of the public discussion
- Guidelines for preparing the presentation of the doctoral thesis
- A report on the evaluation of the doctoral thesis
- Protocol and minutes of the thesis defence
- Rulebook on production and design of doctoral theses at the University of Rijeka
- Guidelines for the production and design of the doctoral theses at the University of Rijeka
4. Forms – Research Logs and Reports
5. Forms – Contracts
6. Forms – Other
Mentors and research areas
List of registered and defended topics of doctoral thesis
Defences of the topic application of doctoral thesis
Defences of doctoral thesis
Obrana doktorske disertacije – mr. sc. Eda Ribarić Čučković
Temeljem čl. 25. st 4. Pravilnika o poslijediplomskim sveučilišnim studijima (doktorskim studijima) na Fakultetu za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu Sveučilišta u Rijeci – pročišćeni tekst (KLASA: 003-05/15-01/04, URBROJ: 2156/24-18-02-05) od 10. rujna 2018. godine i Odluke Fakultetskog vijeća sa 35. sjednice, održane 16. ožujka 2020. godine, Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu
objavljuje da će mr. sc. Eda Ribarić Čučković braniti doktorsku disertaciju pod naslovom
Računovodstvo troškova kvalitete u hotelijerstvu
15. svibnja 2020. godine s početkom u 9:00 sati u dvorani III. Fakulteta (1. kat)
izrađenu pod mentorstvom prof. dr. sc. Sandre Janković i komentorice izr. prof. dr. Gordane Ivankovič, pred Povjerenstvom u sastavu:
- prof. dr. sc. Lorena Mošnja Škare, predsjednica, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Fakultet ekonomije i turizma “Dr. Mijo Mirković”
- izv. prof. dr. sc. Ana-Marija Vrtodušić Hrgović, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu
- izv. prof. dr. sc. Dubravka Vlašić, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu
Obrana doktorske disertacije je javna.
- Program doktorske radionice “Statističke metode u znanstvenom istraživanju: siječanj, veljača 2020.”
- Radionica za doktorande u okviru konferencije ToSEE (18.5.2019.)
- Program doktorske radionice “Statistika u znanstvenim istraživanjima: siječanj, veljača 2019.”
- Workshop “Planning for Sustainable Tourism: concepts, policy, implementation”
- Računalna radionica “Uvod u primijenjenu ekonometriju”
- Program doktorske radionice “Statistika u znanstvenim istraživanjima: siječanj, veljača 2018.”
- Raspored sati radionice “Statistika u znanstvenim istraživanjima”
Useful links
Study Director
Ana Čuić Tanković, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Primorska 46, P.P. 97, 51 410 Opatija, Hrvatska
Tel: ++385 51 294 759
E-mail: anact@fthm.hr
Secretary of Doctoral Study
Tanja Fatur Šikić, Ph.D., Assistant professor
Primorska 46, P.P. 97, 51 410 Opatija, Hrvatska
Tel: ++385 51 294 709
E-mail: tanjafs@fthm.hr
Centre for postgraduate studies
Primorska 46, P.P. 97, 51410 Opatija, Hrvatska
Tel: ++385 51 294 199
Fax: ++385 51 294 226
E-mail: uredpds@fthm.hr
Prezentacija napretka u istraživanjima u okviru doktorskih disertacija
Prezentacija napretka u istraživanju u okviru doktorskih disertacija poslijediplomskih sveučilišnih doktorskih studija „Poslovna ekonomija u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu“ (PETU) i „Menadžment održivog razvoja“ (MOR) održati će se 23. rujna 2019. godine. Plan prezentacije napretka u istrazivanjima u okviru doktorskih disertacija