Međunarodna suradnja

  • Otvoren je natječaj za mobilnost na University of Central Florida, Rosen College of Hospitality Management

    dana 6. ožujka Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu raspisao je natječaj za mobilnost studenata u zimskom semestru akademske godine 2024./2025. u okviru bilateralne suradnje na University of Central Florida, Rosen College of Hospitality Management u SAD-u (Information sheet). Zainteresirani studenti moraju ispuniti slijedeće uvijete navedene u natječaju: 1. Ukupni prosjek ocjena svih prethodnih…

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  • UEF international staff week

    Registration open! International staff week 2024 – University of Eastern Finland University of Eastern welcomes you to Finland’s International staff week in Kuopio 3-7 in June 2024! Registration is open from March 1 until April 14 at: Front page – UEF International Staff Week. Here you can also find the preliminary programme, as well as…

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  • Invitation to 9th Erasmus+ International Staff Week 2024 @ Palacký University Olomouc (CZ)

    We would like to cordially invite you to our 9th Erasmus+ International Staff Week 2024, which will be held at Palacký University Olomouc,Olomouc, Czech Republic, with the virtual part on 27 May and the physical part on 3 – 7 June 2024. The virtual part will include introduction not only to Palacký University but also to the history and culture of…

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  • 7th Edition of International Staff Training Week, University of Salermo

    The International Office of the University of Salerno invites you to participate in the 7th Edition of its International Staff Training Week. The event, themed “Globalizing Education: Exploring Multiculturalism and Boosting Mobility. A Focus on European Alliances,” will take place from 27th to 31st May 2024. Agenda: – Engaging seminars and round tables – Networking…

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  • UAIC – International Staff Training Week in Iasi 20th and 24th of May 2024

    Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi would like to invite you and your colleagues to participate into the 7th edition of the International Staff Training Week that we will be organizing between the 20th and 24th of May 2024. The theme of this year’s event will be related to stress management at work and to…

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  • Prijave za novi krug YUFE izazova su otvorene!

    Studenti i studentice, prijavite se i postanite dio YUFE Challenge tima! Ove godine imate priliku odabrati između sedam izazova iz stvarnog života koje ćete rješavati u internacionalnim timovima tijekom ljetnog semestra. Timovi će voditi akademski mentori iz mreže YUFE sveučilišta što uključuje doc. dr. sc. Marina Barkiđija Sotošek i doc. dr. sc. Lorena Dadić Fruk sa Fakulteta za menadžment…

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Ažurirano 06.02.2023.

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